IPOH— If the Barisan Nasional and the Perak royal household had any lingering doubts about negative public sentiment towards the change of the state government, here is a message: doubt no more.
A survey of registered voters in Perak on Feb 8 showed that:
• 74 per cent of the respondents feel that the state assembly should have been dissolved after the defection of the three Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers
• 76 per cent of the respondents felt that the "people, through elections, should decide on who forms the government"
• 62 per cent of the respondents felt that the "role of the palace in this decision" means it does not recognise the will of the people
• 66 per cent of the respondents do not accept state governments formed through the defection of state assemblymen
• 59 per cent of the respondents feel that the political crisis in Perak would decrease support for Barisan Nasional.
Taken together, the poll by the Merdeka Centre suggests that Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and the BN may occupy the seat of government but a significant number of Perakians may not accept their legitimacy to hold power.
The political crisis unfolded in Perak when three Pakatan Rakyat legislators became independents and said that they would back the BN.
This wiped away the three-seat majority which enabled Pakatan Rakyat to rule the state since March last year.
After interviewing the three and the 28 BN representatives, Sultan Azlan Shah decided that BN had the majority in the state assembly. This was a controversial decision given that Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin and Pakatan Rakyat felt that the correct decision should have been for the Ruler to allow for the state assembly to be dissolved for fresh elections.
There is a roiling debate even among lawyers on the Sultan's decision, with the majority saying that he should have either agreed to the dissolution of the House or held off making any decision until a vote of no confidence against Nizar was taken in the assembly.
The survey findings indicate that many Perak voters also feel that the Ruler may have erred.
Some 507 registered voters were interviewed by telephone and the sampling was done randomly. The margin of error was about 4.5 per cent. (TMI)
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