Just hours after announcing he was running for his old seat in Permatang Pauh, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told the Financial Times that he was gathering support for a no-confidence motion to be filed in the next six weeks, well within his Sept 16 deadline to oust the Barisan Nasional from ruling the country.
His Parti Keadilan Rakyat filed a no-confidence motion on July 10 but it was rejected as it did not carry a vote. Two lawmakers from the BN's tiny Sabah Progressive Party have said they will support the opposition move.
"I am confident that when we do move the motion, we will have the numbers. You see, the reason why they are making all these accusations against me is precisely because they know their days are numbered," Anwar told the British financial paper.
"We have the numbers. We have the support. They want to stop me before we throw them out."
Anwar's wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who heads PKR and is parliamentary opposition leader, has vacated the Permatang Pauh seat to allow the former deputy prime minister to contest. She held the seat for three terms after Anwar was sacked in 1998 for corruption and sodomy.
He was barred from contesting the general election in March after being found guilty of alleged abuse of power relating to an earlier sodomy conviction, which was later overturned. However, the opposition's unprecedented success in that polls has left it with fewer than 30 votes short of a parliamentary majority in the 222-seat legislature, and the restriction on his campaigning has expired.
He is facing fresh sodomy accusations now but even if charged, Anwar can still contest in a by-election. Under these circumstances, he can be removed only if he is convicted and exhausts all appeals.
"Instead of addressing pressing economic problems like soaring inflation, the government is trying to divert public attention with this filthy sodomy charade," he said. "Our ministers waste their time in political intrigue instead of trying to help make the country more competitive."
Police have wrapped up their investigations and the investigation papers are with the Attorney-General's Chambers.
"I am innocent and I am confident that I will clear my name," Anwar said about the accusations from a former male aide.
Anwa denied that his nascent Pakatan Rakyat coalition that groups PKR with the DAP and Pas is on the verge of breaking up due to differences in opinion and secret talks between the Islamist party and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's Umno.
"Pas leaders have assured me that they have no desire of leaving the Pakatan and joining the Barisan or merging with Umno," said Anwar. "They have kept me informed of their meetings with Umno. What has happened in the past few weeks is that the government-controlled media — through careful leaks, manipulation and distortion of statements — has created this fairy tale that Pas and Umno are about to merge or share power. Having lost the support of the people, Umno is now trying to divide our coalition.
"Let me tell you: Pas is not joining Umno," he said. "If Umno leaders believe they can rely on Pas or other members of Pakatan to save their sinking ship, they are dreaming."
Excerpt from http://www.malaysiainsider.com/index.php/headlines/42-lead-stories/2441-anwar-to-push-another-no-confidence-motion-in-6-weeks
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