Umno will be in danger zone if money politics, which is becoming rampant, is not curbed now to prevent the public from eventually losing trust in this biggest Malay-based party.
Its vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is frustrated with the situation, said Umno must urgently do something so that money politics would not become like a cancer that could totally destroy the party.
"As party members, we must view this problem seriously and I regard Umno now being in danger zone if money politics continues unabated," he told reporters after giving a briefing on the Umno Code of Ethics to party members, here today.
Muhyiddin, who also chairs the party's Constitution and Regulations Committee, said if previously money politics occurred during elections for the top posts in Umno, it had however spread to the branches.
"I've received unofficial reports that it has become rampant at all levels and it is frightening if this becomes normal practice in future."
He said according to the reports, money politics also occurred in states under opposition control.
"It is sad if one day, the people see this problem as synonymous with Umno, so the situation must be corrected before the next general election.
"Although Umno has a Disciplinary Board, it is difficult for the board to monitor and enforce the existing regulations under the present circumstances.
"This is because the ill has spread to all levels while the board has limited manpower," he said.
Muhyiddin, therefore, urged all party members to look again at the Code of Ethics which had been distributed to all, as a reminder for them not to indulge in the malpractice.
"I want all party members to view money politics as a despicable act and against the law and religion," he said.
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