Erosion of integrity can be seen in various fields here, including among state leaders, said Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
“In the era of globalisation, where economic and technological development are important, the value of integrity of people is challenged,” he said at the launch of the Political Integrity Forum involving state assemblymen here recently.
He said that society was losing its trust for politicians.
“Members of society are better educated, want to know their rights and do not hesitate to voice what they want.
“They expect politicians to carry out tasks for the benefit of the people and the country,” he said.
Abdul Ghani said that politicians should serve with honesty, sincerity, patience, dedication and responsibility without corruption.
He said that integrity was seen as outdated by the younger generation, but the erosion of integrity brings about the fall of civilisation.
He said that some people thought politics was dirty because of doubts on the integrity of politicians.
“This has to be corrected. Integrity has to be shown in the daily lives of politicians,” he said.
Abdul Ghani said that holistic development was important and this included the development of religion, quality of life and identity of society.
He said it was essential for Johor develop physically, culturally and artistically.
Excerpt from
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