An official of the Al-Ehsan Mosque, in Bandar Kinrara, Puchong was today called up to give a statement on the petition sent by residents in the area on the 'azan' issue.
Bahrudin Maskor, 47, the muezzin of the mosque, was seen entering the Dang Wangi District Police headquarters at 1.30pm and completed giving his statement two hours later.
Bahrudin told reporters that he had been called up to give a statement to the police concerning the contents of the petition sent by 100 residents of the area several months ago.
"In the petition, the residents wanted the volume for the 'subuh' azan to be reduced and the 'subuh' ceramah on Saturday and Sunday not to use the loudspeaker. We complied with their request," he said.
However, he declined to comment on the individual who initiated the petition.
"The petition was only received by the 'nazir' of the Bandar Kinrara Mosque, Abdul Rahman Nasir. I don't know anything," he said.
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