Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has held the list of Barisan Nasional MPs allegedly "crossing over" to the Pakatan Rakyat so close to his chest that even the DAP has not been privy to it.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser had also not revealed the list to Pas leaders.
"I have not seen the list and in my meeting with Anwar on Tuesday night, he told me that he has not shown the list to any Pakatan Rakyat leaders," he told a press conference at party headquarters yesterday.
Lim said the DAP still trusted Anwar despite the failure to reveal the list. According to him, Anwar had said that PR leaders would be shown the list at the right time.
Lim also suggested that Anwar be the '916' spokesman making him the only person allowed to make statements and comments on the progress of the "crossover".
(916 stands for Sept 16, Anwar's original crossover deadline. The figure has since been adopted by the Chinese press as a term for Anwar's plans of taking over the federal government via defections from the Barisan Nasional.)
"I think it is better to let Anwar do all the talking. There should not be too many people talking about this issue. Otherwise it will create confusion, undermining the credibility of Anwar," he added.
Lim said he had informed Anwar of the suggestion that he be made the official 916 spokesman.
On Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said's plan to spend RM18 million on a Web TV project, he described it as a waste of government funds.
Lim also introduced new staff to the press -- Teh Chi-Chang, former Citigroup Investment Research director, who will be Lim's new economic adviser and Leong Joo Ti, his strategic implementation and execution manager.
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