UALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi said certain major government projects, including those in the economic corridors, may be reviewed due to the global financial crisis.
He did not name any of the projects facing a review.
“Decisions have been made to continue with certain projects, but for projects that are yet to commence, action may be taken to postpone them, if necessary, but only the big projects,” Abdullah told reporters today.
He added that the review includes the various economic corridors throughout the country.
Abdullah also said the government will introduce certain measures to mitigate the affect of the global financial crisis. He insisted that the Malaysian economy remains strong.
On the announcement to reduce pump prices today, he said that the government needs to be responsive to fluctuating oil prices.
He said that the business community and the consumers should also be able to adapt to the situation.
He hoped that the price of consumer goods would reflect the oil price reduction.
“Don’t just expect the government to do everything, consumers have a big role to play,” he said adding that he was not trying to urge consumers to boycott certain products.
“I’m sure the prices will go down, they don’t have to wait for the government to act. We will act where it is possible,” he added.
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