The Sessions Court here today postponed the sedition trial of blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin to Monday after the prosecution applied to review the charge against him following the foundation of the charge being disputed by the defence.
Judge Rozina Ayob made the deferment after defence counsel Gobind Singh Deo found the alleged seditious article attached to the charge sheet was not the same as the one posted on the bloggers website on April 25.
Gobind also made a comparison of the two articles and pointed out that the one attached to the charge sheet did not have a title whereas the actual one carried the title "Lets Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell."
"There are also several contradictions, in that the contents of the attached article were re-typed and Raja Petra's picture was copied and pasted," he said.
Earlier, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Roslan Mat Nor had made an objection to ensure any questions pertaining to the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu not be asked in too detail as the case was still being heard at the Shah Alam High Court.
He made the objection after Gobind asked questions as to how Altantuya was murdered and what happened during the incident.
Today's proceedings centred on the testimony of the prosecution's fifth witness, National Bureau Centre/Interpol assistant director, DSP Gan Tack Guan.
Cross-examined by DPP Ishak Mohd Yusof, Gan said he made a police report on April 30 after reading the article on Altantuya in the Malaysia-Today blog as four issues raised in were not true and were mere fabrications.
He, however, could not say for sure what the four issues were.
"I read the article twice, the first time on the computer in my office and the second at the office of DSP Mahfuz in Bukit Aman (federal police headquarters).
"What I know is that some the contents were not true and were mere fabrications," he said.
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