IPOH: The Perak Religious Department has hit a snag while investigating a sex scandal allegedly involving former Perak Tengah district councillor Zul Hassan.
The department is having trouble finding the two Chinese nationals with whom Zul and businessman Fairul Azrim Ismail had admitted to having illicit sex.
Department director Datuk Jamry Sury said JAIP had been working with its Penang counterparts to get the names and addresses of the two women.
Unable to trace them, the religious authorities had instead been trying to track down their employer.
“It’s been very difficult to find them and I suspect that they may have gone back to China,” he said.
JAIP formed a committee to investigate the scandal after Zul and Fairul lodged reports in September against one Mohamad Imran Abdullah for procuring the women in Penang.
Zul, who is a PKR member, asked JAIP to take action against those who defamed and insulted him in connection with the scandal.
Both Zul and Fairul had recently claimed trial in the Sessions Court here to offences involving receiving sexual gratification to allegedly help Imran secure a project in Perak Tengah.
Yesterday, Jamry said the department would seek the Anti-Corruption Agency’s help in tracing the women to complete the probe.
Asked if the department had taken Imran’s statement, Jamry said the department would first leave that to the ACA.
Two Perak executive councillors are among six people, including Zul and Fairul, who have so far been charged with graft over a project in Perak Tengah.(TheStar)
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