Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today told non-Muslim non-governmental organisations (NGOs) not to challenge the National Fatwa Council’s credibility.
He said it was unfair to challenge or dispute a fatwa issued by the council purely on logic because it could create confusion among the people.
The issue of “pengkid” (tomboyism) for example had become a social problem when the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia received complaints and on that ground, the Fatwa Council felt it was necessary to issue a fatwa on it, he said.
“The problem of a girl running away with a boy can be solved using the law but what about a girl running away with a girl who looks like a boy?” he told reporters here.
Zahid said if the NGOs were confused or wanted further explanations on the background of a fatwa, he was willing to organise a forum.
The NGOs or non-Muslim writers would not resort to disputing or challenging a fatwa but instead respect it should discussions be held, he said commenting on the protest staged by non-Muslim NGOs — “Katagender” and “Foot-not-Bombs” — on Friday against the Fatwa Council ruling that “pengkid” is haram. (NST)
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