KUALA LUMPUR: The Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club called for a 10% reduction of toll rates instead of a 10% discount for private car owners using the North-SouthExpressway and the North-South Central Link between midnight and 7am.
Its chairman Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing said that the backbenchers club was disappointed with the Works Ministry for not considering the safety of motorists.
“There is no real sincerity in giving the discount,” he said Thursday in his office at the Parliament building.
Tiong said the backbenchers club wants the discount to be extended to throughout the day and throughout the year and to all vehicle types including lorries. (TheStar)
PLUS Highway announced the discount on Tuesday, with a further 10% discount for those travelling during selected days during the festive seasons.
Both discounts are to begin Jan 1 next year and go on until Dec 31, 2010.
Tiong said even if the concessionaires’ contracts say that toll rates could not be adjusted, the concessionaire and the Government should sit down and talk to discuss a win-win situation for the rakyat.
“The Ministry should monitor the traffic volume at toll plazas and if it had increased more than the pre-estimated volume as stated in the agreement, there would be extra income and the concessionaire could afford to reduce the toll rates,” he said.
”The Ministry cannot come up with the excuse that their hands are tied,” he said.
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