Shrugging off the payment, he told reporters outside the State Legislative Assembly that the money did not make a difference to him.
“I am not a rich man but I don’t need the money either. I never asked for it.
“They want to give me an allowance but at the same time, I am criticised and am not given the opportunity to defend myself.
“Just because of the RM1,000, they won’t let me speak,” he said, referring to Jagdeep Singh Deo’s (DAP — Datuk Keramat) refusal to give way when the latter was debating the administrative enactment to create the official position of Opposition leader.
Penang became the first state in Malaysia to pay its Opposition leader an allowance when the enactment, which included a RM1,000 monthly allowance, was passed by the House yesterday.
Despite the heated debate, there were no strong objections from the 11 Opposition members.
Earlier during the enactment debate, Jagdeep called for Azahar to step down because he lacked the qualities of a good Opposition leader.
“I support the Opposition leader being paid an allowance but I disagree with Azahar being the recipient of it.
“Instead of offering constructive criticism, he has called for the cancellation of mega projects in the state and allegedly said that a reporter should be shot for doing her job.
“I am concerned because is this the quality we want in an Opposition leader?” he asked. At this juncture, Azahar playfully used his hand as a gun which riled Jagdeep Singh.
“Jangan main-main (don’t fool around). I am debating,” he said before denying Azahar a chance to explain.
Several Barisan Nasional assemblyman later called for a higher allowance, saying that the RM1,000 was insufficient.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in his winding-up speech, said the state would consider the request if all BN states gave similar recognition to their Opposition leaders.
State Assembly Speaker Abdul Halim Hussain did not allow Azahar’s interjections as he had direct financial interest in the matter.
Lim, when tabling the enactment, said he hoped that the Opposition leader would accept and apply the CAT (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) principles.
“We urge the Opposition leader to be like a cat, to be competent and rationale towards all races because as what China’s great leader Deng Xiao Ping had said, ‘it doesn’t matter whether the cat is white or black as long as it is efficient in catching mice’,” he said. (TheStar)
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